Website Biography

For those interested in the background to this site, herewith a brief Website Biography.

The website was launch was on 4 June 2023, a week before the 39th anniversary of Shelley Morgan’s murder.

As detailed on the Home page, the purpose of this site to keep Shelley’s memory alive and highlight that the police investigation remains active. It is hoped that the contents of this site will also generate interest, discussion and get renewed publicity to find Shelley’s killer.

The site was designed to give people an overview of the whole case, from learning more about Shelley to Items of Interest, and to provide information in a simple format accessible to all. The website has been made web accessibility friendly, with an accessibility toolbar available for those that require it.

Several historic images, particularly of Shelley, on the site have been enhanced using artificial intelligence software to improve their quality, making them vivid to eyes for visitors.

Research suggests that this is possibly only the second time in the UK that a website dedicated to an unsolved murder of a specific individual has been built, and the first privately initiated. Sadly the other case, dating back to 2009 remains unsolved to this day, and the website archived many years ago.

A private initiative, this site has been designed and built by a single individual who also is responsible for the day-to-day maintenance and administration of the site including its operation, accessibility and content. The site’s independence from external resources, from design to operation, increases responsiveness and allows flexibility and adaptability to implementing changes and updates to the site more exponentially.

If you have a question or query about this website, or want to send the person behind the website a message, please use the Contact page.


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